Human Design Session

Our 1-on-1 Transformation Coaching, now enriched with a personalized Human Design reading, serves as your pathway to rewriting your life's narrative, empowering you to lead an intentional, authentic, and harmonious life.

What It Entails:

In the Human Design session you can expect all the yumminess from the 1:1 coaching but with the added bonus of diving deep into your Body Graph chart. These virtual sessions provide a nurturing and secure environment where you can explore your life's story, challenges, and aspirations.

How It Works:

Each coaching session is tailored precisely to your unique needs and objectives. I will provide education around Human Design charts and together we will explore your specific design. We will unravel limiting beliefs, patterns, and narratives that might be impeding your progress.

Through This Collaborative Process, You Will Leave With:

  • A clearer awareness of who you are.

  • A better understanding of how you specifically manifest and bring your dreams onto the physical plain (believe it or not, not everyone manifests the same.

  • Insight into how you interact with others and how they interact with you. This is a huge help in the workplace and in your close relationships.

  • Knowledge about the best way to make big decisions specific to you.

  • Insight into your personal gifts, and maybe even a glimpse into your life’s purpose.

Additionally, you have the option to enhance your transformative experience by adding a custom-made intuitive bracelet, harmoniously designed to support and complement your evolution. Discover more about this transformative add-on here.